Treatment Care for Semi Permanent Makeup
Treatment and Client Care
General Pre Care
Eyeliner Pre Care
Eyebrows Pre Care
Lips Pre Care
After Care
Other Products
Treatment and Client Care
The procedure is both safe and medically approved when carried out by a competent technician. The products used have a history of long-term use and to date there have been no recorded cases of allergic reactions due to applied pigments. Our products are of the highest quality and were developed in America by the leading manufacturers of Digital Machines and Semi-permanent Make-up pigments.
Disposable items are used for each client and the treatment room runs under strict clinical practices. Health and safety procedures and correct sterilization.
The downtime after the treatment is minimal, you can immediately return to work or your daily life. However – After a procedure is performed, a light dryness will form which is only dry to the touch which will fall off in a few days. During this time the pigmented area will look darker than your desired shade. However, after the dryness flakes off the colour will lighten by up to 30% and 50% with lips
General Guidelines before all Procedures:
- It is HIGHLY recommended for lip and eye procedures to take 800mg of ibuprofen and a Benadryl if you know you can tolerate these medications.
- Avoid all aspirin products, niacin, Vitamin E, ibuprofen type products (read labels), fish oils, flaxseed oil, etc…for one to two weeks prior to procedure (exception is 800 mg ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to your procedure – see below).
- If you are on any type of prescribed blood thinners, i.e., aspirin, etc., you must have a doctor’s permission to stop for approximately 4-5 days prior to your appointment.
- Drink plenty of water the day prior to having your procedures, pigment is retained more easily in a well-hydrated skin.
- Avoid alcohol for 2 days prior and caffeine the day of procedure. A glass of wine would probably be ok.
- For best results, no sun or tanning prior to procedure.
Extra Tips
Purchase frozen peas to reduce the swelling for lips and eyes.
Make sure you have Vaseline/Cetaphil Cream and Rescue Balm on hand.
Stye ointments/eye drops work very well for eyes at night.
Benadryl or an equivalent store brand, 30 minutes prior to your appointment.
For additional comfort, you may choose to take 800 mg of ibuprofen (i.e. Advil or an equivalent store brand) along with an antihistamine.Go to top
Additional Guidelines for Eyeliner:
- Bring your glasses.
- Please wear eyeliner or brow pencil to your appointment ONLY IF you wear it a very specific way. Do NOT wear mascara.
- You may wear the eyeliner or brow pencil to your appointment if you need me to see exactly how you wear it
- If you think you will be nervous, twitchy, or reactive to close work around your eyes, you may consider asking your GP for a one time dose of calming medicine. You would of course then need a driver to take you home from the procedure.
- Do not wear your contact lenses (clean contacts can be worn 72 hours after the application of eyeliner).
- Please buy a new tube of mascara to use after all eyeliner applications.
- Have frozen peas purchased.
- I highly recommend using a very lubricating eye drop or ointment after the procedure for three days.
Additional Guidelines for Eyebrows:
- Bring your favourite eyebrow pencil.
- Please come to the appointment with brows drawn on. (Unless you want me to create the shape)
- If you have magazine photos of brows you like, please bring them.
Additional Guidelines for Lips:
- If you have ever had a fever blister or cold sore in your life, you MUST get a 1000 mg daily prescription for Zovirax, Valacyclovir or other antiviral medication from your doctor or dentist (Acyclovir is an inexpensive alternative to Valtrex). This must be taken in ORAL form, not cream. There are no exceptions. You will need to start the medication at one to two days prior to your procedure.
- It is very important to moisturise the lips as much as possible, before procedure.
- Bring your favourite lipsticks.
- Please check with your Health Care Provider before taking any medication.
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After Care for Clients
Please fully read ALL the information
The treated area(s) will appear VERY dark, exact and intense for 3 to 6 days. You will also scab and shed skin. This is NORMAL! You may use a light makeup on the area after the third day to tone down the colour. What appears to be too dark after your initial visit, in most cases will exfoliate (flake) in approximately one week.
As the healing progresses, the colour will “soften”. However, with lips, in rare cases this “softening” healing process can take longer. The treated area may then appear to be too light in colour. This is NORMAL and your final lip colour will show in about four weeks’ time.
This completes your initial visit, and is the starting point for determining whether a follow-up visit is necessary. Allow 21 days after your first procedure before determining whether a follow-up is required. Please call me immediately if you have questions or concerns.
Please fully read ALL the information
Post-Procedure Care Instructions
Immediate Care:
- Maintain an extremely thin coat of Vaseline, Vitamin E, Rescue Balm, Lotion, or antiseptic cream on the treated area.
- Apply frozen peas or ice in a bag to the treated area to reduce swelling as often and as soon as possible.
- You may clean the area with ice water and a very small amount of antibacterial soap for the first four days, always reapplying the Vaseline immediately after.
- There is always a chance of infection or reaction to the Vaseline, Rescue Lotion or ANYTHING you use; always apply new product with clean hands!
- Avoid touching the area and stay out of any dusty or dirty environments for 3-4 days.
- Apply antiseptic ointment to the treated area only until the second or third night.
- Prior to facial cleansing, apply treated area with a generous application of Vaseline. DO NOT apply soaps, cleansing creams, or chemicals to the pigmented area for at least 7 days except for a very small amount of antibacterial soap and ice water, as noted above.
- Do NOT soak your face in the shower, hot tub, or chlorinated water for at least 7 days. Chlorine can lighten your permanent makeup.
- Do NOT ever apply Retin-A or any other type of glycolic acids directly to the pigmented area – EVER. Leave at least a 1/4 inch buffer area around your permanent makeup.
- Use eyedrops to sooth eyes from eyeliner treatment.
- As the treated area is healing, it may feel extremely tight. Use Vaseline, Vitamin E or Rescue products continuously to minimise dryness and for protection when washing. It is important to keep the treated area coated in order to prevent scabbing.
- After 10 days apply a strong sunscreen to the pigmented area for protection from the sun.
- Do NOT ever pick, scratch, or pull at the healing area!
- If it itches, apply Vaseline and gently work into the area in a light circular motion. If you experience increasing redness or itchiness after a few days, discontinue the use of any ointments. You may be reacting to them.
- Yes! It will lighten up and excess colour will flake off! I promise.
- Your colour will flake off for days, so maybe use an old pillow case!
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Other Products
You receive free aftercare with your treatment which is soothing gel to be used the day of your treatment.
However, If you decide not to purchase our After Care Kit (even though it is highly required) you WILL need extra products to care for your skin, advice is given by me but check with your GP if you have major concerns.
- Vaseline “ Please be aware that Vaseline or petroleum jelly acts as a barrier and provides little soothing action. Vaseline shouldn™t be used alone as your primary aftercare.
- Benadryl “antihistamine (if you have a reaction and extreme itching, rare)
- Suncream “ SPF 15 minimum
- Eyedrops
- Antiseptic cream such as salvon or germaline.
Check all labels before use.
DON’T PANIC!!!!Go to top